MPWA1 – VTCT (Skillsfirst) Level 1 Award in Ways to Maintain Personal Well-being (RQF)

VTCT (Skillsfirst) Level 1 Award in Ways to Maintain Personal Well-being (RQF)

Qualification summary

This qualification has been developed for the widest range of learners possible: young people, students and adults, those who are entering further or higher education or pre-employment, recently unemployed or between jobs. It has been designed to make learners aware of the principles of personal well-being and some of the ways of maintaining it. It also explores the impact of positive behaviour, healthy-eating, mindfulness and meditation on mental well-being.

The range of modules contained in this qualification allow the learner to understand the need to make connections with others, to be physically active, receive continual learning and provide generosity and support to others. This qualification could also prove invaluable toward the learner’s personal and career development.

This qualification does not require you to have any prior qualifications or levels of prior learning. For a list of training providers who deliver this qualification in your area please contact our customer services team.

Learners who achieve this qualification could progress onto the:

  • VTCT (Skillsfirst) Level 1 Certificate in Maintaining Personal Well-being at Work (RQF)
  • VTCT (Skillsfirst) Level 1 Certificate in Personal and Social Development (RQF)
  • VTCT (Skillsfirst) Level 1 Award in Developing Employability Skills (RQF)

or similar vocationally-based qualifications

VTCT (Skillsfirst) Level 1 Award in Ways to Maintain Personal Well-being (RQF) Handbook

Qualification structure

To achieve VTCT (Skillsfirst) Level 1 Award in Ways to Maintain Personal Well-being (RQF), you will have to achieve both mandatory modules in Group M.

Guided Learning Hours (GLH) are 72

Total Qualification Time (TQT) is 88

Qualification numberQualification reference

Group M – mandatory modules

unit no.
mod. no.
Module titleUnit LevelGLH Value
T/617/7531MPW1Introduction to personal well-being124
A/617/7532MPW2Principles of maintaining personal well-being148

To find out more about our registration/certification fees, contact our customer services team on

0121 270 5100 or  email us