User Guides

Using XAMS

This guide will give you the information you need to schedule, deliver and invigilate Skillsfirst Assess tests. There are two main parts to the process; installing the Safe Exam Browser test software and navigating the XAMS system to manage the assessment process. We advise that you familiarise yourself with the information in the guide before installing the Safe Exam Browser software and begin using XAMS.

Should you encounter any problems with any aspect of your installation or with using XAMS, please contact us via [email protected] or 0121 270 5100 (option 3).

XAMS User Guide

Using ePASS

This guide will give you the information you need to import and create data, schedule tests, import data and help apprentices through the End-point assessment journey. We advise that you familiarise yourself with the information in the guide before using ePASS for your End-point Assessment needs.

ePASS User Guide

Instructions for Conducting Tests

This document is divided into three sections which provide additional guidance regarding the invigilation of tests and checking that tests have been uploaded to XAMS. This MUST be read and understood by ALL invigilators prior to invigilating any Skillsfirst Assess tests.

  • Section A: General guidance for conducting tests
  • Section B: Onscreen tests
  • Section C: Invigilating apprentices with access arrangements

Instructions for Conducting Tests