BMPC2 – VTCT (Skillsfirst) Level 2 Certificate for the hands-on Baby Massage Practitioner (RQF)

This qualification is now closed for Registrations

Certification end date: 31/07/2026

Qualification summary

This qualification has been designed to allow learners to gain the knowledge and understanding required to become a baby massage practitioner for babies in their professional care or on their own babies. This would enable them to build self-confidence and to develop skills to provide a safe and approved massage sequence on babies in their care to promote bonding, attachment and the physical benefits of baby massage. Baby massage is widely supported by medical practitioners across the world.

The range of units contained in this qualification allow you to learn, develop and practice baby massage skills on babies in your care in a safe and consistent manner. The knowledge and skills developed by this qualification will prove invaluable toward your own personal and career development.

Having achieved this qualification, you could progress onto the following Skillsfirst qualifications:

  • Level 2 Award for the hands-on Baby Massage Instructor (RQF)
  • Level 2 Certificate for the hands-on Baby Yoga Practitioner and Instructor (RQF)
  • Level 2 Certificate in Setting-up and Promoting a Baby Well-being Business (RQF)

Centres may find the following website helpful for materials and resources to assist with the delivery of this qualification; please click here

VTCT (Skillsfirst) Level 2 Certificate for the hands-on Baby Massage Practitioner (RQF) Handbook


Qualification structure

All mandatory modules must be achieved from the mandatory Group M

Guided Learning Hours (GLH) are 102

Total Qualification Time (TQT) is 132

Qualification numberQualification reference
BMPC2 603/4679/6 

Group M – Mandatory modules

unit no.
unit no.
Module titleGLH
J/617/6139BMP1Principles of baby massage24
A/617/6140BMP2Recognising the role of communication during baby massage27
F/617/6141BMP3Hands-on baby massage51

To find out more about our registration/certification fees, contact our customer services team on 0121 270 5100
or  email us